Green Mouse Computing will, of course, be closed on Waitangi Day, but we will also close on Friday the 7th Of Feb 2025. We will open again on Monday the 10th of Feb


Another Facebook Data Breach

Another Facebook data breach has occurred – apparently the personal details of about 533 million users worldwide were hacked some time ago but we’re just learning about this particular batch now.

It isn’t the first time that Facebook has been breached in this way. Facebook was quick to point out that they’ve improved security since the breach occurred but it’s such a ripe target that my guess is that it’s bound to happen again eventually.

Has your data been hacked?
The easiest way to check this is to go and enter your email address. You’ll soon see if it’s on the list of email addresses that have been caught up in any known data breach. If you have been ‘pwned’ you should immediately change your email password.

What can I do to improve my security on Facebook? 
Facebook has some fairly good security tools available. Click on the little downwards pointing arrow in the top right of Facebook when you log in on your computer (it’s easier to do this on a computer than on a phone). It will drop down a menu, click on Settings & Privacy, click on Privacy Checkup. Then you can go through the colourful boxes and make sure your settings are as safe and secure as you like.

My general advice is to treat Facebook like a billboard outside your house that you can never remove; don’t post anything that you don’t want your Grandmother or your boss to see, and don’t post information about when you will be going on a trip and your house will be empty. Also don’t post pictures of tickets to events or flights as they can be stolen.

We run a course on safety and security online – if you would like to participate in that check out the details here

07 827 7119     ~